It’s impossible for a business in today’s world to function without the internet, and it’s virtually impossible to become successful and meet your goals without a good online presence. This relatively new way to promote or even run your business can be incredibly efficient and powerful if you know what you are doing.
A well-designed and fast website and engaging social media accounts, along with digital marketing practices and tools such as paid ads, SEO, content marketing, influencer marketing, are what make up an online presence that may get you closer to your desired results.
Engaging Social Media
In the digital age, social media has had the biggest, real impact on people’s lives. It has changed how people use their leisure time, how they consume content, how they communicate with others, even their lifestyles. Because of all these changes, businesses have been forced to find new ways to communicate with their existing or future clients. Fortunately, this new challenge came with incredible benefits, some of which would be impossible with traditional marketing.
Regardless of your niche, every small business owner can be certain that most, if not all, of the members of their target audience are on Instagram, Facebook, or any other platform. To start working on building a powerful strategy, you should determine which platforms are preferred by users closest to your ideal customer.
Next, you need to find ways to reach them. This means, for instance, learning how to get more followers on Instagram organically and avoiding growing your account in harmful ways, such as buying fake followers. In short, to attract organic followers your strategy should include creating valuable high-quality content, creating a content calendar, encouraging engagement, inspiring user-generated content, and so on.
Powerful Official Website
Whether you have an online store or not, you should look at your official website as an extension to your business, your digital representation. The way your website looks – how professional, how aesthetically pleasing, how well it works – how fast and how easy to navigate it is, as well as where does it rank on search engines, will influence the visitor’s opinion about your brand.
It takes a couple of seconds for people to decide whether or not they trust a website. Your goal is to make your digital home a place people want to stay, and not abandon right away. The best way to make sure that your small business has a powerful website is to hire professionals to take care of it.
Moreover, take advantage of the latest technology trends developed to ensure a superb personalized user experience. These include tools like APIs (which can identify the visitor’s location, time zone, currency.) chatbots (to help with navigation, purchasing), security software, etc. This will ensure lower bounce and cart abandonment rates.
Finally, keep in mind that nowadays more and more people consume content, research products and services, and buy online using their computers. Mobile devices, especially smartphones are where most visitors will look at your official website. So, make sure that it’s mobile-friendly.
Content Marketing
Small businesses should also invest in content marketing. Regularly create high-quality content on relevant topics. This will help you show your authority, prove your credibility and stand out from the competition. Also, optimize your content for SEO for better ranking, as well as your meta tags, using specific keyword phrases. It also helps if others link to your content, mention you or quote you.
Online Paid Advertising
Many small businesses use paid social media and search engine ads to build their online presence. This is a good way to increase brand awareness, improve your visibility, and reach more people.
Search engine ads appear based on keywords, and typically, they appear on top of the search results. One of the best things about social media ads is their ability to target the right people. Essentially, they provide targeting tools that use algorithms to show your ad to the right users. The targeting can be based on various previously set parameters, including age, location, gender, language, and internet behavior.
However, it’s very important to remember, that for a successful and powerful online presence, you mustn’t rely exclusively on paid ads. If your website or your social media accounts don’t offer anything of value for the visitors, they may not find you trustworthy. Regularly create relevant, quality content, publish it on your website, and share it on your social media.
Building a powerful business’ online presence is crucial for the success of your company. This refers to your website and your social media, as well as everything posted by you or about you. Following these four tips can help you plan and execute the most suitable strategy for your business.