In this article, we delve into the life of Avielle Janelle Hernandez, the daughter of the late Aaron Hernandez. Born on the same day as her father, Avielle’s upbringing has been marked by the legal proceedings surrounding her father’s crimes and subsequent death.

Now 10 years old, questions have arisen regarding the use of her trust fund and its impact on her passion for dancing. Through exploring Avielle’s journey, we gain insight into the complexities of her life and the lasting effects of her father’s actions.

Avielle’s Involvement in Her Father’s Trials

Avielle Janelle Hernandez’s involvement in her father’s trials shed light on the impact of Aaron Hernandez’s actions on his young daughter. At the age of four, Avielle attended her father’s second murder trial, which was for the alleged killings of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado. During the jury deliberations, Hernandez blew kisses to Avielle, marking the last time she saw him. Tragically, a few days later, Aaron Hernandez took his own life.

Avielle, at such a tender age, witnessed the legal proceedings surrounding her father’s crimes and subsequent death. This experience undoubtedly had a profound impact on Avielle’s upbringing and emotional well-being. Growing up without her father’s presence, she has had to navigate the aftermath of his actions and the media attention that followed. It is a heavy burden for a young child to bear.

Avielle’s involvement in her father’s trials also raises questions about how this exposure may have affected her perception of her father and the circumstances surrounding his arrest and imprisonment. It is crucial for Avielle to receive the necessary support and guidance to process these complex emotions and make sense of her father’s actions.

Avielle’s Family and Hobbies

Having been exposed to the legal proceedings surrounding her father’s trials at a young age, Avielle Janelle Hernandez’s upbringing and emotional well-being have undoubtedly been affected, making it crucial for her to receive the necessary support and guidance to navigate the aftermath of Aaron Hernandez’s actions. Avielle’s mother, Shayanna Jenkins, gave birth to a second daughter named Giselle in 2018, expanding Avielle’s family.

Despite the absence of her father, Avielle has found solace in dancing, a hobby she has been involved in since the age of six. However, concerns have been raised about the use of Avielle’s trust fund money for dance lessons. Attorney David Schwartz denied a request to release $10,000 from the trust fund for Avielle’s dancing activities, arguing that the yearly $150,000 should be sufficient to cover all of Avielle’s expenses. These financial concerns highlight the need for careful management of Avielle’s trust fund, ensuring that her well-being and future are prioritized. As Avielle continues to grow and develop, it is essential for her family to create a nurturing environment that supports her emotional and psychological needs, while also providing opportunities for her to pursue her passions and interests.

Financial Concerns and Avielle’s Upbringing

Financial considerations play a significant role in shaping the upbringing and future prospects of Avielle Janelle Hernandez, following the legal proceedings surrounding her father’s trials. Avielle’s care is supported by a yearly $150,000 released from her trust fund. However, concerns have been raised about the use of the trust fund money for Avielle’s expenses, particularly in relation to her dancing activities.

Attorney David Schwartz denied a request to release $10,000 from the trust fund for Avielle’s dance expenses, arguing that the yearly $150,000 should be sufficient to cover all of Avielle’s expenses. This decision raises questions about the extent to which Avielle’s financial needs are being met and whether her upbringing is being compromised due to financial constraints.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Has Avielle’s Unique Birthday Connection With Her Father Impacted Her Relationship With Him?

Avielle’s unique birthday connection with her father, Aaron Hernandez, has had a significant impact on their relationship. Sharing the same birthday was seen as a special coincidence, and Hernandez expressed joy and gratitude for having a daughter on their shared day. However, due to Hernandez’s arrest and subsequent imprisonment, Avielle has grown up without her father’s presence. She witnessed the legal proceedings surrounding her father’s crimes at a young age and attended his second murder trial. Tragically, Hernandez took his own life shortly after blowing kisses to Avielle during jury deliberations. Despite these challenges, Avielle has been supported by her mother and the financial assistance from her trust fund, although concerns have been raised about the use of the fund for her hobbies, such as dancing.

How Did Aaron Hernandez’s Arrest and Imprisonment Affect Avielle’s Upbringing?

Aaron Hernandez’s arrest and imprisonment had a significant impact on Avielle’s upbringing. Her father’s incarceration meant that she grew up without his presence, and she witnessed the legal proceedings surrounding his crimes at a young age.

How Did Avielle’s Involvement in Her Father’s Trials at Such a Young Age Shape Her Understanding of the Legal System?

Avielle’s involvement in her father’s trials at a young age likely shaped her understanding of the legal system by exposing her to the complexities and consequences of criminal proceedings, leaving a lasting impact on her perception of justice.

How Has Avielle’s Family Supported Her Throughout Her Father’s Incarceration?

Avielle Janelle Hernandez has been supported by her family during her father’s incarceration through financial assistance from her trust fund, which provides her with $150,000 per year for expenses.

What Are the Concerns Regarding the Use of Avielle’s Trust Fund Money for Her Dance Lessons and Other Expenses?

The concerns regarding the use of Avielle’s trust fund money for her dance lessons and other expenses revolve around a denied request to release $10,000. Attorney David Schwartz argued that the yearly $150,000 should cover all of Avielle’s expenses.


In conclusion, Avielle Janelle Hernandez’s life has been profoundly affected by her father’s actions and subsequent legal proceedings. Growing up without his presence, she has faced unique challenges and financial concerns. The denial of funds for her dance lessons highlights the complexities of managing her trust fund and ensuring her well-being. Despite these difficulties, Avielle’s journey serves as a reminder of the lasting impact of her father’s choices on her upbringing.

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