This article offers expert guidance for trainers in Pokémon Sword & Shield seeking to capture a Shiny Drifloon.
With its distinctive balloon-like appearance and intriguing backstory, Drifloon has become a sought-after Pokémon.
Breeding, utilizing specific items and techniques, is deemed the most effective method for obtaining a Shiny Drifloon.
Moreover, the introduction of paid DLC expansions has expanded opportunities for players.
This concise guide provides valuable tips and strategies to enhance the chances of encountering and catching a Shiny Drifloon in the game.

Breeding for Shiny Drifloon
Breeding is the most effective method for obtaining a Shiny Drifloon in Pokémon Sword & Shield. Shiny hunting methods and items can significantly increase the chances of encountering a Shiny Pokémon.
To increase the odds of obtaining a Shiny Drifloon, players can utilize several strategies and items. The Oval Charm, obtained by becoming the Champion and defeating a trainer in Circhester, makes it easier for eggs to appear in the Day Care. Additionally, having a Pokémon with the Flame Body ability in the party, such as Litwick, Chandelure, or Carkol, will make the eggs hatch faster.
To further enhance the chances of obtaining a Shiny Drifloon, players can trade for a Regional Ditto from another region or utilize Pokémon Home. The Regional Ditto increases the likelihood of obtaining a Shiny egg.
Finally, completing the Pokédex and speaking with a doctor in Circhester will reward players with the Shiny Charm, further increasing the odds of encountering a Shiny Pokémon from 1/4096 to 1/1365.33.
Obtaining Necessary Breeding Items
To obtain the necessary items for breeding Shiny Drifloon in Pokémon Sword & Shield, players will need to acquire specific items through various methods.
The first item required is the Oval Charm, which makes it easier for eggs to appear in the Day Care. To obtain the Oval Charm, players must become the Champion and then defeat a trainer in Circhester.
The second item needed is a Pokémon with the Flame Body ability, which speeds up the hatching process of eggs. Pokémon like Litwick, Chandelure, and Carkol have this ability.
The third item required is a Regional Ditto, which increases the chance of obtaining a Shiny egg. Players can obtain a Regional Ditto through trading with a trainer from another region or by using Pokémon Home.
Finally, the fourth item necessary is the Shiny Charm, which significantly increases the odds of encountering a Shiny Pokémon. Players can obtain the Shiny Charm by completing the Pokédex and speaking with a doctor in Circhester.

Process of Breeding for Shiny Drifloon
The efficacy of the breeding process for obtaining a Shiny Drifloon in Pokémon Sword & Shield can be enhanced by following a precise and methodical approach.
To begin, place a Regional Ditto and a Drifloon or Drifblim in the Day Care Center. The presence of the Regional Ditto, along with the Shiny Charm, significantly increases the chances of obtaining a Shiny Pokémon.
Additionally, it is advisable to ride with a Pokémon that possesses the Flame Body ability, such as Litwick, Chandelure, or Carkol, as this will expedite the hatching process of the eggs.
Once the eggs are ready, speak with the Day Care Lady to receive one. It is important to repeat this breeding process multiple times until an egg hatches into a Shiny Drifloon.
## Pokémon Sword & Shield DLC and Shiny Pokémon
With the introduction of paid DLCs, such as the Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra, Pokémon Sword & Shield players now have even more opportunities to capture shiny Pokémon, including the elusive Shiny Drifloon. The Isle of Armor expansion introduced over 100 older Pokémon to the Galar region, giving players a chance to encounter and capture shiny versions of these Pokémon. The Crown Tundra, the second DLC, will feature additional classic Pokémon, new legendary Pokémon, and Galarian forms, further expanding the pool of shiny Pokémon available to players.
Shiny Pokémon are highly sought after due to their unique coloration and rarity. They have a different color scheme than their regular counterparts, making them stand out in battle and in a player’s collection. The DLCs provide players with new areas, Pokémon, and gameplay experiences, all of which increase the chances of encountering shiny Pokémon. By exploring these new regions and encountering different Pokémon species, players can increase their chances of finding and capturing shiny versions of their favorite Pokémon, including the elusive Shiny Drifloon.
Tips for Finding and Catching Shiny Drifloon
To increase your chances of finding and capturing a Shiny Drifloon in Pokémon Sword & Shield, implement these helpful strategies.
Firstly, utilize the Masuda Method when breeding Drifloon with a foreign Ditto. This breeding method increases the odds of obtaining a Shiny Pokémon.
Additionally, equip your breeding Pokémon with the Oval Charm and the Shiny Charm. The Oval Charm increases the chances of receiving eggs at the Day Care Center, while the Shiny Charm further boosts the likelihood of encountering a Shiny Pokémon.
To speed up the hatching process, have a Pokémon with the Flame Body ability in your party. This ability reduces the number of steps required for eggs to hatch. Remember to speak with the Day Care Lady to receive an egg and repeat the breeding process until you hatch a Shiny Drifloon.
It is also worth mentioning that the Pokémon Sword & Shield DLCs, the Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra, offer more opportunities to capture Shiny Pokémon, including Drifloon. Take advantage of these expansions to expand your chances of encountering a Shiny Drifloon.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can You Encounter a Shiny Drifloon in the Wild, or Do You Only Have to Breed for It?
Shiny Drifloon cannot be encountered in the wild in Pokémon Sword & Shield. The only way to obtain a Shiny Drifloon is through breeding. Breeding with methods such as using the Shiny Charm can increase the chances of hatching a Shiny Drifloon.
Are There Any Specific Time or Weather Conditions That Increase the Chances of Encountering a Shiny Drifloon?
Specific time or weather conditions that increase the chances of encountering a Shiny Drifloon in Pokémon Sword & Shield have not been confirmed. Breeding with methods and items that increase Shiny odds is the recommended approach.
Can You Use the Masuda Method to Increase the Chances of Hatching a Shiny Drifloon?
Yes, the Masuda Method can be used to increase the chances of hatching a Shiny Drifloon in Pokémon Sword & Shield. By breeding a foreign Drifloon with a non-foreign Pokémon, the odds are boosted.
Are There Any Specific Locations in the Galar Region Where Shiny Drifloon Is More Likely to Appear?
There are no specific locations in the Galar region where Shiny Drifloon is more likely to appear. The chances of encountering a Shiny Drifloon are increased through breeding methods and items such as the Shiny Charm and Flame Body ability.
Can You Use the Max Raid Battles Feature to Encounter a Shiny Drifloon?
Yes, you can use the Max Raid Battles feature in Pokémon Sword & Shield to encounter a Shiny Drifloon. However, the chances of encountering a Shiny Pokémon in Max Raid Battles are extremely low.
