In the world of Pokémon Sword & Shield, trainers are presented with a unique opportunity to unlock the highly sought-after Shiny variants of the legendary Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. These elusive creatures were introduced in the game’s inaugural mainline DLC, the Pokémon Sword & Shield expansion pass, and can be found within the Crown Tundra region.
With the odds of encountering a Shiny Pokémon standing at a staggering 1 in 4096, these rare specimens are truly a sight to behold. However, diligent trainers can enhance their chances by obtaining the Shiny Charm item.
To acquire these magnificent Shiny Pokémon, trainers can participate in the upcoming 2022 International Challenge events. By registering through the game’s VS menu and engaging in battles during the designated period, trainers can potentially add these prestigious Shiny Pokémon to their collections. It is imperative for trainers to set reminders for these events to ensure they do not miss out on this exclusive opportunity.
Once the battles have concluded, the Shiny Pokémon can be claimed through the players’ Mystery Gift menu. Do not delay – seize the chance to unlock these remarkable Shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres variants while they are still available in Pokémon Sword & Shield on the Nintendo Switch.
Background of Shiny Galarian Birds in Sword & Shield
The introduction of Shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in Pokémon Sword & Shield marks a significant addition to the game’s roster of unique and rare Pokémon variants. These Pokémon were first introduced in the first-ever mainline Pokémon DLC with the Pokémon Sword & Shield expansion pass and can be found in the Crown Tundra area of the game. What sets these Shiny Galarian birds apart is their rarity, with Shiny Odds of 1/4096, making them highly sought after by trainers. However, the odds can be increased by using the Shiny Charm item.
To obtain the Shiny Galarian Articuno, trainers can participate in the 2022 International Challenge in February. Registration for the event takes place from February 3rd to February 17th, with battles for the Shiny Articuno being held from February 18th to February 20th. Trainers can register for the event by accessing the VS menu in the game’s pause menu and choosing the Battle Stadium option.
Similarly, trainers can obtain the Shiny Galarian Zapdos by participating in the 2022 International Challenge in March. Registration for this event takes place from February 24th to March 10th, with battles happening from March 11th to March 13th. The registration process is the same as for the Shiny Articuno.
Lastly, trainers can aim to obtain the Shiny Galarian Moltres by participating in the 2022 International Challenge in April. Registration for this event takes place from March 31st to April 14th, with battles being held from April 15th to April 17th. After completing the battles, trainers can claim the Shiny Galarian Moltres from the Mystery Gift menu.
Trainers should set a reminder for the 2022 International Challenge events to ensure they don’t miss out on the opportunity to obtain these rare Shiny Pokémon. It is recommended that trainers claim all three Shiny Galarian birds while they are available.
Pokémon Sword & Shield is available on the Nintendo Switch platform, and the Shiny Charm item can enhance the chances of encountering Shiny Pokémon.

Obtaining Shiny Galarian Articuno
To obtain a Shiny Galarian Articuno in Pokémon Sword & Shield, trainers can participate in the 2022 International Challenge in February. Registration for the event takes place from February 3rd to February 17th, while the battles for Shiny Galarian Articuno will be held from February 18th to February 20th.
To register for the event, trainers need to open the VS menu in the game’s pause menu and choose the Battle Stadium option. Shiny Galarian Articuno is directly inspired by its original form’s color palette. It is important for trainers to set a reminder for the 2022 International Challenge events to avoid missing out on the opportunity to obtain the Shiny Galarian birds.
After completing the battles, the Shiny Pokémon will appear in the players’ Mystery Gift menu. Trainers should claim all three Shiny Pokémon, including Shiny Galarian Articuno, while they are available. Pokémon Sword & Shield is available on the Nintendo Switch. The Shiny Odds for these Pokémon are 1/4096, but the Shiny Charm item can increase the chances of encountering them.
Obtaining Shiny Galarian Zapdos
Trainers can acquire a Shiny Galarian Zapdos in Pokémon Sword & Shield by participating in the 2022 International Challenge in March. To obtain this rare variant of Zapdos, trainers must register for the event between February 24th and March 10th. The battles for Shiny Galarian Zapdos will then take place from March 11th to March 13th.
To register for the event, trainers need to open the VS menu in the game’s pause menu and choose the Battle Stadium option. Once registered, they will have the opportunity to battle against other trainers and earn their very own Shiny Galarian Zapdos.
Shiny Galarian Zapdos is distinguished by its bright yellow color, reminiscent of its Kantonian counterpart. As with all Shiny Pokémon, the odds of encountering a Shiny Galarian Zapdos are incredibly rare at 1/4096. However, trainers can increase their chances by obtaining the Shiny Charm item.
Participating in the 2022 International Challenge in March is an exciting opportunity for trainers to add this unique and coveted Pokémon to their collection. Don’t miss out on the chance to obtain a Shiny Galarian Zapdos and showcase it in battles and trades.
Obtaining Shiny Galarian Moltres
During the 2022 International Challenge in April, trainers have the opportunity to obtain the coveted Shiny Galarian Moltres in Pokémon Sword & Shield. This event allows trainers to battle against other players and compete for the chance to add this rare and sought-after Pokémon to their collection.
Registration for the event will take place from March 31st to April 14th, with the battles scheduled to be held from April 15th to April 17th. To participate, trainers need to open the VS menu in the game’s pause menu and choose the Battle Stadium option.
Once the battles are completed, trainers can claim their Shiny Galarian Moltres from the Mystery Gift menu. It is important for trainers to set a reminder for this event, as missing out on the opportunity to obtain this Shiny variant would be a disappointment.
With a Shiny Odds of 1/4096, the Shiny Galarian Moltres is an incredibly rare find and a valuable addition to any trainer’s team. So mark your calendars and get ready to battle for the chance to unlock this stunning Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Sword & Shield.
Reminder and Availability of Shiny Galarian Birds
The availability of the Shiny Galarian birds in Pokémon Sword & Shield should not be overlooked by avid trainers. These Shiny variants of Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres are being distributed in the game as part of the Pokémon Sword & Shield expansion pass. Trainers can find these Pokémon in the Crown Tundra area, but they should be aware that the Shiny Odds for these Pokémon are 1/4096, making them incredibly rare. However, trainers can increase their chances of encountering Shiny Pokémon by obtaining the Shiny Charm item.
To obtain these Shiny Galarian birds, trainers can participate in the 2022 International Challenge events. For Shiny Galarian Articuno, registration for the event takes place from February 3rd to February 17th, with battles being held from February 18th to February 20th. For Shiny Galarian Zapdos, registration is open from February 24th to March 10th, with battles taking place from March 11th to March 13th. Finally, for Shiny Galarian Moltres, trainers can register from March 31st to April 14th, and battles will be held from April 15th to April 17th.
Once trainers have completed the battles, they can claim the Shiny Pokémon from the Mystery Gift menu. It is important for trainers to set reminders for these events to ensure they don’t miss out on the opportunity to obtain these rare Shiny Pokémon.

In summary, obtaining the Shiny variants of Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in Pokémon Sword & Shield through the 2022 International Challenge events provides trainers with a rare opportunity to add these prized Pokémon to their collection. These Shiny Pokémon, introduced in the first-ever mainline Pokémon DLC with the Pokémon Sword & Shield expansion pass, can be found in the Crown Tundra area of the game. With a Shiny Odds of 1/4096, they are incredibly rare and highly sought after by trainers. The Shiny Charm item can increase the odds of encountering Shiny Pokémon, making it a valuable tool for collectors.
To obtain these Shiny variants, trainers can participate in the 2022 International Challenge events. Registration for each event takes place within specific timeframes, and battles for each respective Pokémon are held accordingly. Trainers need to open the VS menu in the game’s pause menu and choose the Battle Stadium option to register for the events. Once the battles are completed, the Shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres can be claimed from the Mystery Gift menu.
It is important for trainers to set a reminder for these events to ensure they do not miss out on the opportunity to obtain these Shiny Galarian birds. With their rarity and unique color palettes, adding these Pokémon to one’s collection will undoubtedly be a prized accomplishment.
Pokémon Sword & Shield is available on the Nintendo Switch, providing trainers with an immersive gaming experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Increase My Chances of Encountering a Shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres in Pokémon Sword & Shield?
To increase the chances of encountering a shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres in Pokémon Sword & Shield, trainers can use the Shiny Charm item, which boosts the odds of finding shiny Pokémon.
Can I Transfer a Shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres From a Previous Pokémon Game Into Pokémon Sword & Shield?
No, it is not possible to transfer a shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres from a previous Pokémon game into Pokémon Sword & Shield. These shiny variants are exclusive to the Crown Tundra DLC.
Are the Shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres Available in Both Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield?
Yes, the shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres are available in both Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. Trainers can participate in the 2022 International Challenge events to obtain these rare shiny Pokémon.
Can I Breed a Shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres to Obtain More Shiny Pokémon?
No, you cannot breed Shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres to obtain more Shiny Pokémon. Breeding does not affect a Pokémon’s Shiny status. Shiny Pokémon can only be obtained through specific methods or events.
Will There Be Any Additional Opportunities to Obtain the Shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in the Future if I Miss the 2022 International Challenge Events?
There may be future opportunities to obtain Shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in Pokémon Sword & Shield, but it is unclear at this time. Trainers should stay updated with official announcements and events for more information.
In conclusion, trainers in Pokémon Sword & Shield have the opportunity to unlock rare Shiny variants of the Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. By participating in the upcoming 2022 International Challenge events, trainers can battle and potentially add these elusive Pokémon to their collection.
It is important for trainers to set reminders for these events to ensure they don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity.
Don’t delay and seize the chance to obtain these coveted Shiny Pokémon while they are still available.