We have all heard the term bail and possibly some amount of money associated with the posting of bail when an individual experiences the unfortunate event of a jail term. In case it has happened to you or your family, and you are in need of a payout for the bail, Franklin county castle bail bonds are the right choice for you.
In this article, we will be going over some general information about posting bail, a bail bond guarantee and a few pointers that will help you choose the right bail bond service for your needs!
Let us get right into it!
Bail: A general introduction
The bail is a court-mandated set amount of money that is the insurance between the court and the defendant or the person serving the jail sentence. Defendants have the option of making the bail payment in cash. The bail is usually set at a high amount so that the defendant is unable to pay it. That is how the system works. In the case of the defendant being financially unable to pay the bail amount, they can seek the aid of a bail agent, a bondsman from a bail bond service who will post the bail amount or the bond for them.
So what is a bail bond?
It is the surety bond that secures the release of the individual from jail. Bail bonds are of two types and as follows,
Criminal bail bond
The criminal bail bond is strictly for criminal cases where the defendant appears for the trial and guarantees the payment for fines and penalties.
Civil bail bond
This option is used in the civil cases which guarantee the payment of debt, interests, and costs as assessed by the court.
Now, how to choose the right service for your needs? Let’s have a look.
Choose a firm with perfect customer service
You need an impeccable service provider when the requirement is the avoidance of jail term. You deserve no less than the best service. Customer service includes the relaying of information regarding the best case scenarios, presenting a general idea about the case and the entirety of the bail process. A professional firm will never mind answering all your queries and will have genuine care and considerate attitude towards your troubles.
Read, research and review
You need to talk to an actual customer to get a clear idea about a particular bail bond service. A previous employer will be able to supply you with the necessary recommendations. Additionally, you can shop around for prospective companies and read about the reviews to select the best for your bail bond needs. Check out the review sites and the company websites for thorough research.
Use the internet
The internet is a powerful search tool if you do the searching right. Use it to gather information regarding the bail bond services. A bail bond company website will contain all the necessary updates and information regarding the procedure of posting the bail and the charges required for the service. There will be resources that you will be able to tap into.
You should never settle for anything less than the very best when you are choosing a bail bond firm.
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